
Adds multi-tab and bookmarking features to Windows Explorer.

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Clover lets you open different locations within the same file manager window. In this respect, it is an enhancement for Windows Explorer instead of a completely new application.

In a few words, what this program does is to add tabs, which allow you to switch from a folder to another without needing to change the active window. Another great feature is the possibility of creating bookmarks for your most frequently visited locations.

Learning to use Clover is quite easy, as it has been seamlessly integrated into Windows Explorer. Moreover, you can use the same hotkey combinations that allow you to manage tabs in Google Chrome. In addition, tabs can be dragged to a different location or pinned so that they are permanently accessible. The rest is not very different from using Windows built-in file manager, except for managing bookmarks.

In my opinion, the bookmark manager is also a great feature. You can create bookmarks by simply dragging a folder or file to the bar. Likewise, you can arrange them into folders in a tree-like fashion. It is also good that bookmarks can be exported and imported in HTML format, which helps to share them between different computers.

All in all, Clover is what I would call a must for every Windows user as it definitely contributes to making folder browsing a less painful experience. One of its best advantages, compared with other tools, is that it does not alter the look-and-feel of Windows Explorer very much. Thankfully, the product is free to use. However, I regret the installer is in Chinese and you will probably have to guess what to do, the program as such appears in English though.


  • Very easy to learn
  • Opens folders in different tabs
  • Bookmark manager


  • Installer is available in Chinese only
This program received 2 awards
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EJIE Technology
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wubishet belay 2 years ago

It's the best multi-tab app ever!

Richard Jackson 2 years ago

The tabs are great. Bookmarking locations on your hard drive saves time. Being able to pull a tab off to a separate window is very helpful. This makes dragging and droping files very quick and easy.